PayPal Integration
How Bounce Integrates with PayPal
Bounce integrates with PayPal specifically for recurring payment failures.
Works with: Absolute - Renewals
Holistic - Renewals
Standard PayPal Recurring Payment Flow
Merchant creates a subscription and buyer confirms it with PayPal
PayPal attempts to charge the buyer on the payment due date. If the payment fails, PayPal makes two additional attempts at 5-day intervals.
After PayPal’s retry attempts end, the system:
Adds unpaid amount to buyer’s outstanding balance (if configured)
Sends a failed subscription payment webhook
Disables the subscription
Enhanced Flow with Bounce Integration
Merchant creates a subscription and buyer confirms it with PayPal
PayPal attempts to charge the buyer on the payment due date. If the payment fails, PayPal makes two additional attempts at 5-day intervals.
Bounce receives PayPal’s failed payment webhook
Bounce analyzes the transaction and, if recovery probability is high, creates and executes a retry schedule to capture the outstanding amount.
Optional Bounce Webhooks
Successful Retry Notification
Bounce sends a webhook notification when it successfully charges a previously failed subscription payment.
Transaction Abandoned Notification
Bounce sends a webhook notification when it will no longer attempt to retry a failed subscription payment. This occurs in two scenarios:
Initial analysis shows low recovery probability or high chargeback risk
Bounce has completed all planned retry attempts without success