Using Bouncepay’s JS library

The merchant will need to load a JS library. The library is used to send additional meta data on the session, browser and device of the buyer.

When a user session starts, or around that time, the library needs to be initialised.


At the point of capturing the card details of the buyer, the merchant will need to call a library function that will match the session details with the card that was captured.

bouncepay.connect(connectorMethod, objectId)

connectorMethod - Is the type of the object that was created (payment_method, transaction etc.)

objectId - Is the ID of the object that was created (payment method ID, transaction ID etc.) The supported objects will be agreed with the merchant as part of the onboarding.

bouncepay.connect('transaction', 'dnajfxat')

Direct Integration

Alternatively, the information required can be sent directly to Bounce by using POST to the transaction event URL [base_url]/transaction-event

Where connector_method is the object that Bounce will use to match the event to a transaction. This would be a customer_id, a transaction_id etc.

Bounce then uses the IP of the request and the user_agent header to gather information on the session.

  "event_name": "connect",
  "connector_id": "<payment_system_object_id>",
  "connector_method": "<customer_id>"